Enter the void

2020 has just begun and we have already scratched off some goals from the list. Goals are important for growth. How else will you grow if you don’t challenge yourself to reach new heights. Here are a few of our goals for this year. Please share your goals with us and lets make sure we crush them together.

1.) Participate in a large outdoor festival out of state

2.) Get a brick & Mortar/ grocery Store front

3.) Love. Live and Laugh Abundantly

4.) Participate in more outreach activities for the community

5.) Cater A Wedding/Prom/Graduation/Cookout

6.) Meet my favorite influences

7.) Travel out of the country

8.) Learn a new skill


Feel free to comment below and share a few of your goals with us and how you plan on achieving that goal. <3


Phuck COVID-19


Girls Need Cookies